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  1. Mothers Day Banned In School
  2. ASBO's
  3. Bus Explodes In Manchester (not bomb)
  4. Panic!!!
  5. Pervert Glitter to be released early
  6. Safety expert banned from shaving while driving
  7. Rascist jokes
  8. Road Pricing. It is not needed really!
  9. Stop moaning, you voted them in.
  10. Keith Vaz, teacher's pet.
  11. Scumbag
  12. Jade Goody Attacked
  13. Meet You In Paradise
  14. Anna Nicole Smith has died.
  15. 6 Charged with Terrorist Offences
  16. Another One In Iraq
  17. Much Better than Super ASBO's!
  18. Here is politics for you right-whingers
  19. Benefit Cheat Caught ...
  20. Blair and Brown take note.
  21. House Of Cards' Ian Richardson Dead
  22. Muslim Training Training Camps
  23. 14 Questions
  24. The Lottery.
  25. Another stealth tax folks.
  26. Downing Street
  27. More Nonsense from our Courts
  28. Gasp! Local Democracy Works?
  29. Petions to No 10 forget it
  30. Free TV in Jail but not for the Army
  31. Human rights do not apply to dead soldier's families.
  32. The build up?
  33. Calidore.
  34. Is the Muslim religion Peaceful?
  35. Par for the course.
  36. Extreme Carbon Emmissions Warning
  37. Sion Jenkins Sueing Home Office
  38. The Grey Voters say no to Brown
  39. Ministers Angry with Petition on their Website
  40. Another set to hang in Iraq
  41. And Now Flooding
  42. Should Pakistan Be on The Hit List?
  43. How it should be used.
  44. Third of households on benefits
  45. NHS 20 Billion Compter
  46. Iran is involved in Iraq
  47. As I previously stated sometime ago.
  48. Blair Success in Germany.
  49. Tony Blair.....War Criminal.
  50. A whole generation of kids betrayed
  51. Spoiled, uneducated and hypocritical British youth need foreign immigrants
  52. The shootings will continue indefinitely.
  53. The SAS acting on orders again!
  54. Disgusting British, flobbing, swearing, littering
  55. Why so short of teachers in Bratain?
  56. What's good about this country of disgusting layabouts?
  57. Al Gore....
  58. The BNP and criminality
  59. Smile Dordie Blair is out to get you
  60. Right wing hypocrisy and Islam
  61. Great Pics of lovely Arsenal's lovely mixed race team having fun tea with the Queen
  62. Socialism Summed Up!
  63. Shocking babies fight club video
  64. BNP bombers
  65. Losing control
  66. Immigration - The facts
  67. Immigrant kids with family values doing better than white nationalist ones with none
  68. More BNP links to International Terrorism.
  69. Mauritania pilot outwits hijacker
  70. Gangstas