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  1. fifty-fifty nature of the scenario (speed, sighting, heat of the moment etc)
  2. Multi-cultural benefits-bulging jails
  3. The Truth.
  4. Scroungers!
  5. Mental Health Patients loosing right to smoke?
  6. Ford Prefect and the Vogons cause Global Warming
  7. The Jersey abuse enquiry
  8. Cameron opposes Sharia law
  9. The benefits of immigration
  10. Something to brighten the morning.
  11. Global Warming but not for American Oil.
  12. Environmental Loonies
  13. A little Example
  14. Turkish troops enter north Iraq
  15. Monarchy versus Republic
  16. Training Cats>
  17. Carrier bags - punitive legislation threatened
  18. At bloody last, he says.
  19. Why don't asylum seekers stop at the first safe country?
  20. Immigrants and benefits
  21. Anyone watch Newsnight?
  22. Social Services Again!
  23. Packaging (Spin-off from the Carrier Bags thread)
  24. Fly tipping.
  25. Debating skills.
  26. Prince Harry - Shameful Media Lies
  27. The Global Warming Nutters Again!
  28. Conservative muslim forum
  29. Message to the bosses at Boeing...
  30. That's alright then.
  31. I have to acquiesce.
  32. Eco Fuel
  33. This Idiot
  34. Palestine.
  35. FAO Dordie Eco Homes
  36. The EU ?eferendum.
  37. A non story?
  38. We have no need to worry.
  39. Another one for the medics
  40. Not the Mail....The BBC.
  41. Lucky Welsh
  42. Single Use Carrier bags
  43. Anyone realise how much prisoners get paid?
  44. Another Manchester Council JUNKET
  45. Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich
  46. Govt says Proms are not inclusive!
  47. Another Good Idea from Kelly!
  48. Livingston -Commie corruption
  49. Is this what Prescot intended?
  50. Carol Barnes Close To Death
  51. Russian elections
  52. Porsche challenging London congestion charge
  53. Muslim medics refuse to roll up their sleeves in hygiene crackdown
  54. Isn't there a better way?
  55. Rich.
  56. About time too!
  57. Brown rumbled over Cameron today in the Commons
  58. Hey kids, leave off alc. It's worse for you than cocaine
  59. If foreign players are spoiling our game...
  60. Country in decline.
  61. The Camel's foot.
  62. Treachery! Treachery! Treachery!
  63. Childhood Today
  64. Young drivers insurance.
  65. High earning doctors made to work longer hours
  66. Load of trash.
  67. Gunman Kills Seven In Israel Raid
  68. The English
  69. More Minority Treachery?
  70. Killings in the Middle east.