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  1. Why is Brown not doing enough to combat climate change?
  2. Environmental Damage is a sIn
  3. Immigrant caught on camera stealing
  4. A Poem to Celebrate Easter 1916 Uprising
  5. Contradictions
  6. Did it Happen?
  7. Advice for lefties who cannot answer questions
  8. Another BAN from this control freak government
  9. Can anyone explain
  10. When...
  11. 1984 for real?
  12. Police taking sniffer dogs into pubs in Oxford
  13. Hey, Jaxie, how are the pensioners faring in the cold?
  14. Homosexuality can be cured?
  15. Single mother should be sterilised - Tory councillor
  16. Are you in debt?
  17. Manchester City Council
  18. We ARE winning the Iraq War!
  19. Shouldn't show Olympics on TV
  20. Where there's a will there's a way.
  21. Someone was murdered last night near my hospital
  22. Is it right for immigrants to get child benefit for overseas kids?
  23. Asylum system 'shameful for UK'
  24. Iraq Compensation Culture
  25. falsification
  26. Unlimited compnsation for Iraquis.
  27. Personal photo/ Knightsbridge studio.
  28. Is Brown too stubborn to counter this?
  29. Fitna, the movie
  30. Of interest to Equinox. Probably.
  31. playing with the clocks AGAIN
  32. Stick this in yer pipe and smoke it.
  33. Putin's Evil Past
  34. Plane crashes into houses in Kent
  35. All traffic wardens are dispensed with.
  36. Immigration Again!
  37. Shitbint Hairdresser.
  38. Immigration 'small benefit' to UK
  39. Brown Resigns!
  40. Got To Feel Sorry For Mail Readers
  41. Is Brown sane?
  42. Another April Fools joke..?
  43. Harman in fear of her life
  44. Womans Head Found.
  45. "Stop The Spam Day"
  46. China is ecologically f*cked
  47. The truth about AIDS
  48. This can't be good....
  49. The Nrthern Ireland Peace £Treaty
  50. Commie dilemma over poofery
  51. Is it bye bye Robert ?
  52. Happy Families of 2008
  53. Blair, the New Jesus.
  54. For the oldies...
  55. This...
  56. The best reason for restricting immigration.
  57. There are no religious people on this forum except Tony Blair
  58. Binge drinking damages the memory
  59. Global temperatures to decrease
  60. Calling Jax to solve this one...
  61. disgusting advert !
  62. Immigration.
  63. Robert Mugabe: Whatever you think about him..
  64. More massive muslim crime.
  65. The Bilderburg Meeting
  66. Trouble Over The Border
  67. Better Off On The Dole?
  68. There's money to be had.
  69. 3 year old girl falls 100ft in shop
  70. [BREAKING NEWS] Teachers leader Steve Sinnot dies