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  1. Gorrge Bush
  2. Ethnic violence covered up
  3. FTA of Bull.
  4. Olespice back
  5. Get out of the EU now!
  6. Chris Rea.
  7. What is the best way to undermine Islam?
  8. Positive Discrimination.
  9. Raising the level of debate.
  10. Rumania.
  11. Bin Laden
  12. Politician Idol
  13. Tell me why.
  14. Blair...Vice President.
  15. What are the laws forbidding mosques to call the faithful to prayer?
  16. Gay marriages
  18. Blunkett and lies
  19. Looks like a few more are heading this way
  20. comments from Shah the pakistani cabbie
  21. There you go folks.
  22. maniac tyre slasher jailed
  23. Richard Littlejohn
  24. The Met.
  25. The Power of Language and the Language of Power
  26. President Blair?
  27. Italian hostage killed
  28. Legal question
  29. Throw America out of the UN
  30. More Potential Islamic killers in our midst
  31. The message.
  32. U.N. Resolution Could Close Nuclear Loopholes
  33. Pick it up its yours my Arse
  34. Islam the evil empire
  35. Murder suspect found dead
  36. George Bush CIA how many drugs have you wasted today?
  37. Tributes paid to Yvonne Fletcher
  38. No milage for Blair
  39. A referendum?
  40. The latest Al Q taped message
  41. Votes at 16?
  42. Situation Vacant
  43. Tobacco
  44. Why Bother Working?
  45. Blair and Barbie!
  46. Thank God someone resists Bush and Blair
  47. More about positive discrimination.
  48. Why the hell is he still.........
  49. Doctors at work
  51. Is Bush An Arab?
  52. Terrorists
  53. Should voting be compulsory?
  54. Now we have the chance to get out of Europe
  55. No more Chocolate Oranges for me!
  56. Another Home Office Cover Up
  57. Leak from the Bush audience with The Queen.
  58. Bull Fighting
  59. The full list of senior cabinet ministers
  60. How much is Blairggh being paid?
  61. Is everybody happy now?
  62. Will you vote in the EU referendum?
  63. Weapons technology and the stupidity of keeping up with the joneses
  64. Today's Bombings
  65. Where will the ordinary people work?
  66. To whom it may concern.
  67. The War In Iraq
  68. Drugs are better for you than abortions
  69. Ron Atkinson resigns
  70. My ‘Reply’ to Tony Blair