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  1. More lies from the arch liar.
  2. Says it all really!
  3. Why do lefties only ever post abuse?
  4. Top prisoner rights lawyer is acting for James Bulger murderer
  5. One for Sphinx!
  6. Well done lefties! Christian couple have to sell their hotel
  7. If you being tortured, say by the Americans or the British
  8. Fight fire with fire, David.
  9. The Noose or the Knife?
  10. Best news since the first Lancaster rolled off the production lines.
  11. Moscow bomb blasts
  12. Gulf stream not slowing down
  13. New Labour Brainwashing Machine.
  14. We must hope no hot head decides to assassinate him.
  15. 20 years since the Strangeways riot
  16. The Rise of the Shit Steward
  17. The Irish Potatoe Famine
  18. Europe.
  19. Coalition Government
  20. Do you really want to vote for this?
  21. ali (bongo) dizaei
  22. Manchester City Council's latest barmy travel plan
  23. Crackdown on seatbelt offences
  24. Lovelock: 'We can't save the planet'
  25. Sharon Shoesmith is appealing.
  26. Wonder what Reg makes of this.
  27. Littlejohn and Goldfish.
  28. Somali pirates.
  29. There will not be hung parliament.
  30. Fuel Protest at Stanlow 2010
  31. This, the result of arse covering.
  32. Interesting Newspaper.
  33. Great stuff.
  34. Retaliation
  35. The Daily Mail Song.
  36. City Of Crime 2010
  37. What the hell is wrong with saying this?
  38. Eugene Terre'Blanche has been killed.
  39. People who I would turn away from my B and B
  40. Tomorrow could be a significant day.
  41. Why the human race is degenerating
  42. I speak what YOU are thinking
  43. Brown calls the election
  44. Horrible
  45. Rarely-if ever before-in this nation's history...
  46. Just heard on local radio.
  47. Only stupid working class people will vote tory!
  48. BC Forums Official UK Election 2010 Thread - Week 1
  49. EU Referendum
  50. Redshirts storm parliament...
  51. Economic Growth and the Election
  52. Leaked Video Shows US Killing Reuters Staff in Iraq
  53. If You See This Man...
  54. Waiting For The Free Kick?
  55. How will the lefties cope with opposition?
  56. Who is the smoothest?
  57. Tiger Woods and his problems are boring
  58. Oh dear rightards ...
  59. TV licence will become a computer licence
  60. Kyrgyzstan's president refuses to resign
  61. Teenager makes racist remark over US supermarket tannoy
  62. Leo and Immigration
  63. Europe: Up To Our Necks.
  64. Muslims Complain.
  65. Brown does not do truth.
  66. Why, Gordon. Where is it?
  67. Lab & Con going for celebrity endorsements.
  68. Getting the 18-24 years olds to vote.
  69. Is Boris Johnson a liability?
  70. Ten most dangerous cities in America