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  1. Redcar
  2. Jacqui Smith slaughtered
  3. Should Dimbleby retire?
  4. Birmingham Edgbaston.........
  5. Duran O'Dwyer
  6. Green MP!
  7. Nick Griffin
  8. CURE
  9. Blame the students
  10. No change in Scotland
  11. Kaufman holds Manchester Gorton
  12. I Love It.
  13. 9 seats to go...
  14. The BNP are a Bunch of Fannies
  15. The election result
  16. I despair!
  17. Gordon Brown = Robert Mugabe
  18. I did not vote
  19. Lefties, shut your mealy gobs.
  20. Rightads, shut your flapping gums.
  21. BNP candidate spat at, pushed and screamed at anti-racist campaigners
  22. Brown has skulked off to Jock land.
  23. They have had their small peak...
  24. Statement from official L/D spokesman
  25. Has Britain lost its way?
  26. Confidentiality
  27. Return to real politics?
  28. Aren't Americans clever?
  29. Wait for the Labour government
  30. Let's hope Ed Balls is given the Spanish Fiddler.
  31. The Lib Dems are milking their moment of glory
  32. Brown making way for Clegg?
  33. Well, he did it!
  34. Potential BNP Sex Offender
  35. Bye, bye Gordon
  36. I would vote labour....
  37. Anyone else tired of Nick Clegg?
  38. Stopping terrorism
  39. Scrotnig's Leftie Mistruths Thread
  40. Just to be clear
  41. Labour need time out.
  42. Scrotnig's mistruths thread
  43. A new beginning
  44. Brown HAS now resigned
  45. David Cameron *is* UK's new prime minister
  46. The Queen and David Cameron
  47. The new government and the role for Liberal Democrats
  48. A special card for Mr Brown
  49. Ok workshy - the game's up
  50. Rumour - Paddy Ashdown in government?
  51. The utter end of the Labour Party.
  52. True Blue Tory Colours
  53. Close to Fisticuffs
  54. Mandelson and Campbell.....
  55. Finally, a puff-free government
  56. Have the Tories been done over?
  57. How to ensure a LibCon coalition can't get voted out too quickly...
  58. No more ID cards. No more biometric passports
  59. Did he break the trend?
  60. cameron
  61. Will a new era of joy and contentment break out on BC?
  62. We can't afford it, so out. NOW!
  63. Coalition Agreement published
  64. The Pair
  65. Freedom, fairness, responsibility
  66. Iain Duncan Smith returns
  67. Sky's Adam Boulton and Labour's Alastair Campbell having an argument live on air
  68. Come on Fulham.
  69. People power got rid of the lefties....
  70. Cameron called Clegg "a joke"