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  1. Public transport leader: Why I simply can’t get by without a car
  2. Sir Richard Leese wants to be a "stronger person"
  3. Budget hits the poorest hardest
  4. poor lola the cat
  5. Thatcher to be expelled from the Conservative Party?
  6. The cuts and apportions
  7. Manchester and Brighton
  8. Whoops! Car hits bridge in America
  9. England is most over-populated country in EU
  10. Can You Believe It?
  11. Common People
  12. Man driven mad by barking plays back recording to neighbour at 3am
  13. New Asda boss "does a Ratner"
  14. Fugitive Asil Nadir returns to UK
  15. Muslims are taking over the world
  16. Brown's terrorist mates are coming out of jail.
  17. The Enemy Within, Within.
  18. Biting Off The Hands That Feed Them?
  19. FAO Dordie
  20. All Honourable Men.
  21. ...and this coming after the cat
  22. Didn't They Do Well!
  23. NHS Direct to be scrapped
  24. Councillor is arrested over wife attack claim
  25. Take a look at the candidates.
  26. What does this article prove?
  27. Axed development agency executives run up £20k expenses
  28. shrill and intolerant lefties.
  29. Electric cars 'may be costlier than petrol vehicles'
  30. Where Bush and I agree.
  31. Good news for the sexually active dying on Tyneside
  32. The folly of New Labour.
  33. Girl mauled by two Rottweiler dogs in Dundee street
  34. If it wasn't so blatant I might laugh
  35. Woman charged after dogs maul girl
  36. A good idea for the British police?
  37. Climate Change Again!
  38. Manchester City Council's answer to people who disagree with them - BAN THEM!
  39. The non event of the century...
  40. Oi! Where are the immigrants going?
  41. Nail them whatever the evidence.
  42. Gaddafi wants EU cash to stop African migrants
  43. Problem Drinking
  44. Killer Tracie Andrews to be freed
  45. Looking for Blair's book?
  46. Soon we shall know.
  47. William Hague's adviser Christopher Myers resigns
  48. Tony Blair
  49. Manchester City Council leader challenged over domestic violence comments
  50. So now it is official.
  51. Eco warriors, what further proof do we need.
  52. Congo mass rape numbers rise to 240
  53. How long before South Africa is bankrupt?
  54. ****
  55. The mad neckless, sacked Brown.
  56. They asked for it, now they have got it.
  57. Lord Prescott, a man of probity?
  58. The police steal a car...
  59. HSBC threatens to move headquarters away from London
  60. Offshore tax dodgers amnesty
  61. Dr Kelly Again.
  62. Give Your Banger a Kick!
  63. Blair in Dublin
  64. Gordon Brown could never do things the simple way.
  65. Too shocking fo words.
  66. Blair: No Thistle but Plenty Eggs!
  67. Now for the infighting.
  68. Clown Brown again....
  69. No wonder England have a crap team.
  70. Antics of rabid lefties.