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  1. Get ready for next week!
  2. Fair Treatment ?
  3. Recently revealed . . .
  4. Balmy Or What ?
  5. Last year I refused the Swine flu jab.
  6. The News of the World.
  7. "Multiculturalism has failed" - Angela Merkel
  8. This is how to deal with thieves
  9. Why would anyone vote Labour ever again?
  10. Car driven at nightclub queue
  11. Is this seriously real ?
  12. Jack Straw met him at the airport and shook his hand.
  13. RIP Benoit Mandelbrot
  14. R.I.P Selma al-Radi
  15. Poor dear Mrs Thatcher
  16. Channel 4 Dispatches Now
  17. Indoctrination in the news
  18. Priorities,values and modern Britain.
  19. The BBC and nulab/The BBC and a proper government.
  20. A case for Sir Edward
  21. This also applies to the bleeding heart whites.
  22. They won't know what has hit them.
  23. Baroness Thatcher admitted to hospital
  24. Share the costs of cuts.
  25. rip
  26. Not one...not a single one!
  27. The Chancellor...nice man.
  28. Do you agree with the spending review announced today?
  29. More evidence of Nu-Lab's oppressive regime
  30. Police step up hunt for night club hit-and-run suspect Lee Bradley
  31. Attn leftie layabouts - welfare cuts are coming
  32. Immigration cuts
  33. Social Workers
  34. Pay up or else. (Manchester, again)
  35. Has someone offended Osbourne?
  36. Sorry, can't stop. I'm driving my Lexus ...
  37. The single person's housing benefit change
  38. Disgraceful bint.
  39. Cuts
  40. New Labour off the hook re Dr. Kelly
  41. Daniel Knowles
  42. Manchester City Council wants a "Facebook boss"
  43. Should this Man have been allowed to Drive?
  44. Mr Cameron...
  45. Slightly overlooked....
  46. The reality of this economic policy.
  47. Bonkers News Story of the year?
  48. Fuckin Useless Labour MP's
  49. More politically correct leftie bunkum from Manchester City Council
  50. Manchester City Council leader Sir Richard Leese's Blog
  51. Tariq Aziz to die.
  52. Spending cuts? The coalition approves road and bus schemes
  53. Littlejohn
  54. The coalition are fixing the economy
  55. More politically correct nonsense
  56. The Coalition are beating the recession.
  57. The Rooneys.
  58. firemen/women
  59. Royal mail to be privatised.
  60. Newkie job losses.
  61. The coalition are fucking the economy
  62. EU...a gravy train for poor countries....OUT!
  63. Which rabid leftie...
  64. Fascinating Wikipedia facts
  65. Heartfelt plea to Chris Mitchell.
  66. Prime Minister's Questions
  67. Stupidity
  68. A warning to all Trolls!
  69. Protesters picket Vodafone shops.
  70. Harman Sorry for Ginger Rodent.