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  1. (Hey Kids), lets get down to E-day!
  2. Who were the skinheads demonstrating at the mosque?
  3. You May Like This?
  4. All mouth and no trousers!
  5. UK 'institutionally Islamophobic'
  6. Revisionism
  7. The terrorists have killed Simon Cumbers
  8. Yob Culture Part the Fourth. Binge Drinking
  9. 2004 Canadian Federal Election
  10. Today’s Policing?
  11. Why are there so many homeless in capitalist countries?
  12. BNP seems set to make big gains judging by the peple's reception of us.
  13. A need for a white student union
  14. home office to spread asylum seekers into rural area's unless stopped
  15. Even the French can be nice ....
  16. Dordie Has Corfu run out of Sangria???????
  17. Opposition to BNP tantrum backfires on main parties in church hall
  18. Music enriches the savage soul
  19. Who is running this country, us or the unwelcome immigrants?
  20. Stupid Stupid Stupid!!!
  21. And so it begins
  22. If you want a ethnic Britain
  23. Turning point in Politics
  24. BNP are getting rid of social workers
  25. look what the Arab Muslims are doing in Sudan
  26. Have you heard the one about Nokia's Clam Shell phones?
  27. Euro Elections Info.
  28. Another Crony bites the dust.
  29. What happened to Marie Antoinette?
  30. The sentence on this Tory was JAIL.
  31. 17 injured in Cologne explosion
  32. More Mental Homes Please!
  33. Two complaints from Muslims get an ad. banned.
  34. An Eve of Poll message to BNP candidates and activists from party leader Nick Griffin
  35. Safety Hazard
  36. Election Day
  37. Two complaints from Muslims? How about this little lot
  38. So who did you vote for or didn't you bother
  39. Vote Labour today for a cleaner Europe
  40. Should all Yobs/Neds be shot?
  41. Should We Shoot all Drug Dealers?
  42. Should We shoot All Drug Users?
  43. Voting.
  44. Inaccurate Asylum figures yet again.
  45. Clampdown on fines
  46. Man kills himself over parking fine
  47. Should people who shoot people be shot ?
  48. The Scottish Nationalist Party
  49. The Green Party
  50. The Scottish Socialist Party
  51. See you at the Polls
  52. How will Blair deal with the sick election results?
  53. The BNP are a Bunch of Pussies
  54. Lies, Damned Lies And The Bush Administration!
  55. Mayor of London Election
  56. Blair Kills Himself over Election Results
  57. Terrorism has not gone away.
  58. Addicts free £630 per year gym membership.
  59. The Electoral Aftermath!
  60. Ken Livingstone
  61. Asylum Maddness Continues
  62. Things that should be banned
  63. UKIP strong showing proves British want out of Europe
  64. Is there something wrong with the avatars?
  65. Frodo's Invisible Cloak, would the MOD invest in this?
  66. Was BNP vote Crap
  67. Taliban discover their femenine side
  68. Taliban discover their femenine side
  69. Even more asylum maddness
  70. AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhh