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  1. Three cheers for the Human Rights act.
  2. Italy, Greece, Portugal and many other countries...
  3. Scrot....leave a little something out for burglars.
  4. 100 people face prosecution for dropping litter
  5. This should be resonably simple to curb.
  6. Muslim suicide bomber kills over 50 people in Kabul.
  7. If you want to live so close to the north pole....
  8. Reading the Riots
  9. Croydon Tram Racist Abuse Woman Denies Charge...
  10. UK gives £1bn to poor countries to help them 'cope with climate change'
  11. Car tax money leaves my bank account.
  12. Racist Somalis get slap on the wrist
  13. Tough few weeks for Cameron
  14. What a miserable little twat!
  15. Oxford Circus Tube station evacuated
  16. Imagine Blair, or Brown, even the present labour lot.
  17. If Clegg doesn't like what Cameron has done in Brussels.
  18. The Nazis and Europe.
  19. Why are the lefties so quiet?
  20. Perhaps the lefties could tell us....
  21. Just like Blair sold us down the river....
  22. At last some backbone.
  23. More Manchester Rioters Jailed
  24. Many WW2 British women will testify to this.
  25. Bollox to Chris Hulne and the EU.
  26. Paddy Ashdown, on the EU.
  27. Don't get old, whatever you do.
  28. You can't have anything these days!
  29. I've won...I've Won!
  30. Scotland have their own parliament.
  31. Cameron not as brave as it seems.
  32. Mrs Equinox caught by a bus lane camera
  33. Clegg Stays Away As PM Defends EU Decision
  34. Euro's 'Saviour' Regrets UK Blocking Treaty
  35. Man fakes mum's obituary to get time off work
  36. Cameron defends EU veto decision
  37. Syrian death toll 'exceeds 5,000'
  38. The benefit culture was orchestrated by Blair and Brown.
  39. I have backing.....Perrin does not.
  40. Post Offices closed yesterday.
  41. Higgs boson found!
  42. Sorting out immigrants and lefties has to be Cameron's priority
  43. Fellow passenger throws fare-dodging scumbag off a train...
  44. I am against the public sector pay freeze
  45. Thomas Cook to shut 200 stores
  46. Let's hear the lefties, they deserve an 'educated' say.
  47. Isalm.
  48. Houston Police gas Protesters
  49. Something for Parsonstreet to ponder
  50. Unemployment almost at 3 million again
  51. Baldrick's take on the Euro...
  53. French banker says UK should be downgraded first
  54. Manchester City Council - now it's TRAFFIC BOLLARDS for GAYS!
  55. Jimmy Savile love child
  56. Snow for the south of England
  57. UK 'to observe EU negotiations'
  58. Cracks Start To Appear In EU Finance Pact
  59. IMF: Global outlook is 'gloomy'
  60. Giggs: Imogen Thomas Did Not Blackmail Me
  61. Hitchens is dead.
  62. I blame my racism for splitting me up with my woman
  63. Troubleshooters scheme to tackle 'troubled families'
  64. Manchester City Council spend £600k on taxis in year
  65. Ticket inspector stabbed in the back
  66. That's it for many civil servants!
  67. Another rioting scum locked up for a year
  68. Perrin types
  69. David Cameron says the UK is a Christian country
  70. Nazi Tory MP Sacked