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  1. Jessops to live on in HMV ?
  2. They lied! Again!
  3. Should drugs be legalised?
  4. Should we have a referendum on EU membership?
  5. Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald
  6. A Triple Dip Recession?
  7. This is what "rights" have done. I hope you Lefties can sleep at night.
  8. Where's Al Gore and David Rothschild?
  9. Riot at a footy match and people died? Death!!
  10. Free Schools
  11. Bring back steam lorries.
  12. Why isn't this thug in the slammer?
  13. If Cameron was sincere about the EU...
  14. Muslim Academies
  15. Yes, if sphinx is doing her girl guide routine...
  16. Garage fire in Peggyland
  17. Teachers plan YET ANOTHER strike
  18. The queen of Holland is abdicating in favour of her son.
  19. LTB
  20. No UK Troops in Mali - Yeah Right!
  21. Gun Loving Americans
  22. Soldier living with his daughter in a graveyard
  23. Conservatives agree on the benefits of immigration.
  24. Manchester City Council want public views on how to spend money
  25. Eighty years on and still the best
  26. Blair and Cameron getting along fine...
  27. Blair on the Marr show
  28. So, some dudes have found Dick Shit, who gives a fuck?
  29. Chris Huhne admits perverting the course of justice
  30. Chris Huhne's Teenage Son is a nasty spolied little brat
  31. Reasons not to go to school...
  32. MPs approve gay marriage
  33. This is horrifying disgusting, evil and depraved...
  34. I do NOT agree.
  35. Stafford Hospital Enquiry - Hospitals with poor standards of care should be closed
  36. RESULT!
  37. The 'benefits' of immigration.
  38. Findus beef lasagne was 60% horsemeat
  39. I'd be willing to bet he's a liar.
  40. Two articles of news caught my attention this week
  41. Saga social forum shut down due to comments..
  42. Leave Stuart Hall alone!
  43. An "and finally" moment...or not
  44. A very good point
  45. Another case of sex abuse
  46. I wonder if those Rightards
  47. I didn't like the way the BBC
  48. Dick the Shit
  49. First with Nulb it was Kids rule....
  50. Muslim Academies
  51. Prince Charles.....10/10
  52. I have spanked the Pope out of the Vatican
  53. I took a look at the BAFTA 'carpet'
  55. Yet MORE Social Services Incompetence
  56. Back-to-work scheme breached laws
  57. Anti Catholic posts
  58. 20 years since the Bulger murder
  59. Have your eating habits changed?
  60. Republic chain enters administration
  61. Drivers trapped on hill
  62. Paralympian arrested
  63. Why enourage them?
  64. God punishes the Vatican
  65. The Illiterate BBC
  66. should I?
  67. Kevin of Corra faces child rape charges.
  68. The pretender has a go, not good enough.
  69. Job ad
  70. Seems Jax was right