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  1. HS3
  2. Rebekah Brooks not guilty.
  3. More double standards from teachers
  4. Does anyone care about phone hacking?
  5. Sheffield reporter threatened with arrest under anti-terrorism laws
  6. This was always coming!
  7. In the light of his not guilty verdict in Jordan......
  8. Drunker Juncker- The new fuhrer.
  9. Yet another paedo teacher
  10. Wolf hunting
  11. Rolf Harris
  12. A country ruled by Gangsters and Nazis
  13. The Church of England and the Poor who protest
  14. Let's hear it Scrot.
  15. Tower Hamlets- 3rd World Borough.
  16. Rolf Harris and his didgeridoo.
  17. Do you believe all of it?
  18. 10th July
  19. That Dossier...
  20. How are Cameron's crowd different to Nulab?
  21. Andy Coulson jailed for 18 months
  22. British Gas staff mis-sold deals
  23. Rolf Harris jailed for five years and nine months.
  24. Why Gorbachev?
  25. Tour de France...
  26. Be honest...
  27. How serious is Cameron?
  28. The archnutter/fruitcake has been telling us this for Ages
  29. Government's Plan to force Smart Meters upon us
  30. A fitting tribute to a courageous Lady.
  31. I am sure Scrot will agree with this though.
  32. Call for Blair to go.
  33. Take your child out of school for a day and we'll fine you.
  34. Public sector strike 10th July 2014
  35. You couldn't make it up
  36. Groping Vanessa
  37. Dishonourable parliamentarians ( and other so-called dignitaries.)
  38. I'm with you all the way Perrin.
  39. Electrical fault causes explosion in Manchester!
  40. Loss of Credibility in the British Establishment
  41. The BBC Banned this Sketch
  42. Coulson attacked in Prison
  43. This is how the artful bastard Cameron works.
  44. Lefties - this is YOUR fault
  45. A good start to your holiday?
  46. Police State Britain?
  47. I sympathise with the strikers
  48. A one day strike is a waste of time
  49. This housing boom...
  50. 107 quid for top quality bog roll
  51. Far Better Than H.S.2.!
  52. Baroness Butler-Shloshed Quits!
  53. Pre-election window dressing for the gullible!
  54. Big brother IS watching you.
  55. The world can only go downhill from here.
  56. Beach Bombers!
  57. Another Malaysian aircraft down
  58. The crapness of the people in this country
  59. The Assisted Dying Debate
  60. Cannibal Nurse
  61. He's fled
  62. Baby P boss Sharon Shoesmith secures £680,000
  63. Leftie Trade UNionists want another Public Strike
  64. Generally ignored by the Mass Media
  65. This One is for Parsonstreet and the Mitchel Bloke
  66. The UN
  67. Nothing to see here... move along...
  68. Bug-Eyed Balls and the wife, Drastica.
  69. Paracetamol won't help with back pain
  70. Jayden Parkinson's killer sentenced