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  1. If Corbyn became PM
  2. It wasn't just Perrin who told them so
  3. Misogynist and crossdressing gentleman.
  4. An American Dentist...
  5. Jeremy Corbyn
  6. Fat B'astards - Your Time is up
  7. Jeremy Corbyn
  8. How to sort out the mess at Calais.
  9. Loony Cameron calls in Oliver.
  10. Here's how to handle crime
  11. Here's how to handle the Global Financail Crisis and Austerity
  12. Cilla's Dead
  13. Shocking!
  14. The hobbies of the influential
  15. Saville, Heath, Fatso from Rochdale.....
  16. Hello, is that the SAS?
  17. David Icke Blocked by Facebook Over Savile-Heath Picture
  18. It's all kicking off in Leicester
  19. I am sure Mr Perrin will applaud this.
  20. George Cole....
  21. Social worker criticised by judge for using jargon in court report
  22. Judge criticised by Social Worker
  23. Parsonstreet criticised by Perrin
  24. George Cole. A fine actor and a real gentleman.
  25. Lefties
  26. If the police won't call....
  27. A couple of clues as to why Immigrants don't want to stay in France ......
  28. Make sure you are there, Mr Cameron......
  29. Doleys abroad...
  30. Someone dumps you on a desert Island and says survive.
  31. Politics is lies
  32. Scrotnig probably hates This
  33. Truth out - hang Blair
  34. Can you present evidence that we have freewill?
  35. Sectarian hatred at the heart of British Muslim community ...............
  36. I accuse
  37. Pistorious...
  38. Gordon Brown to "intervene" in the Labour leader election
  39. The Paddies pelt Blair with Eggs
  40. Look at this
  41. The Question of Ownership
  42. Pistakerous....
  43. Corbyn the Ant-Semite
  44. Tsipras to resign and calls early Election
  45. Nuclear Iran?
  46. The following Newslink keeps getting deleted from My Facebook Page
  47. F*** The Police ................
  48. Jeremy Corbyn pledges Labour apology for Iraq war
  49. Possible terror attack in Northern France
  50. Petition to Arrest the King of the Jews at over 75K signatures
  51. This is my doing...
  52. Shoreham Air Crash
  53. Glasgow Bin driver. Should he be prosecuted?
  54. World War 3
  55. Canceling....
  56. Ian Duncan Smith says....
  57. The Great Fall of China
  58. Why won't Forker answer this?
  59. If Corbyn is Labour Party leader....
  60. Homeless elderly man with cancer lives in a car.
  61. Paddy Power already paying out on Jeremy Corbyn bets
  62. Vote Corbyn!
  63. Sitting on the fence over Corbyn
  64. Fucking Bad news and moaning?
  65. Harvey Proctor
  66. Prince Charles letters.....
  67. Women only train carriages?
  68. Skills Gap
  69. The left - trying to cheat their way to a win
  70. It just goes to prove...