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  1. Corbyn for PM! Ignore the biased media attacks
  2. British MP sneaks Donald Trump into the house of commons.
  3. These are the sort....
  4. British and Continental Welfare Benefits
  5. Corbyn's crowd.......Thrashed.
  6. Non muslim kiddie shaggers.
  7. Vaz....will they or won't they?
  8. Yet another pervert teacher jailed
  9. Wetherspoon's boss attacks 'lurid' Brexit claims
  10. Important message for Alice.
  11. Another important message for Alice.....
  12. The old gal is....
  13. Ha Ha...
  14. That Welsh prat Smith...
  15. Come on, Mr Perrin....
  16. Oh Dear How Sad.....
  17. Cameron to be Crown Steward and Bailiff of the Manor of Northstead
  18. Lorry Driver Jailed
  19. Words of comfort to Mr Perrin and for our Lefties.
  20. Alice....don't let this worry you....
  21. It is safe to say, I have never...
  22. It is slowly emerging....
  23. Does Hillary have a body double?
  24. Is he....
  25. He's German, isn't he?
  26. Trump for US President.
  27. Phone penalty.
  28. PNE supporters can only dream stuff like this.
  29. Clebs who Mouth on about some Political Issue that the Media loves to Promote
  30. We owe Ed Milliband...
  31. What's the point of cars?
  32. Blair was nice.
  33. Why was I not invited to escort?
  34. So is it safe to trust....
  35. As soon as he found out....
  36. I know how to stop the migrant crisis
  37. Corbyn wins....excellent.
  38. You can't rob me now, I'm having a cup of tea
  39. The problem was not....
  40. So you'd want a Bastard like this as Prime Minister?
  41. Brad Pitt.
  42. Ladies and Gentlemen.....
  43. A Labour MP......
  44. Don't hold your breath.
  45. You'd vote for THIS?
  46. *Unbelievably* we have some here....
  47. I did not like the bloke.
  48. He's not a politician, is he?
  49. Never mind what they call themselves....
  50. Bet you cannot guess why.....
  51. I know someone who...
  52. A good responsible approach
  53. Good news for Mr Perrin.
  54. Fights in Seaham Pubs
  55. Bulgaria bans the Burka
  56. Mr Perrin's....
  57. EU membership
  58. For 6 years, never a day passed without.....
  59. Chickens coming home to roost.
  60. UKIP's new leader lasts 18 days
  61. Get on with.....
  62. Will Dordie be voting for a Muslim?
  63. So,
  64. Who lamped UKIP's Steven Woolfe?
  65. Diane Abbott is the new..
  66. The Pan Handle is in trouble.
  67. Blair wants to return to politics
  68. Hollande (France)
  69. See how the Mitchell bloke lies to you!
  70. Blair....Kaput.