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  1. Oh dear..
  2. I have corrected your T-shirt etc etc etc
  3. Tommy Rot
  4. Misogynist attacks against female politicians - Clearly unacceptable
  5. Isn't it time..
  6. Bristol Premier Inn Fire
  7. Nasty boy racer crash in Stevenage
  8. Just a Reminder
  9. Will this cramp your style Tinselshit?
  10. Newcastle Crown Court
  11. Tommy Robinson knocked out by an Old Geezer in Prison
  12. Jo Swinson
  13. Phillip Hammond has....
  14. What does Europe...
  15. Boris is PM
  16. We have a pm
  17. Boris Johnson will crash and burn
  18. Night of the long knives
  19. Got Anything to donate to Boris
  20. The Lefties have....
  21. 20,000 more police officers
  22. £141k is not enough to live on
  23. Let take a look at Boris' cabinet...
  24. Transporting...
  25. Another one of Boris' ancestors.
  26. Wop cop killed by Yanks with knives
  27. Climate Change
  28. I know you don't like garlic, Dordie, but really...
  29. The government gave an irrelevant answer.
  30. Scrotnig's pathetic troll threads...
  31. Boris' Bitch moves into Number 10
  32. This is the country forum scumbag Fred lives in.
  33. Boris now has a majority of just one!
  34. Shower spray
  35. I am the new girl
  36. Boy, 6, 'thrown from 10th floor' of Tate Modern
  37. Why did this young woman kill her children?
  38. Spudulike has gone bust :(
  39. Galloway is loathsome beyond belief
  40. Prince Harry....
  41. Does anyone remember....
  42. Looks like someone forgot to feed the meter
  43. You get fly spray
  44. Will Andy end up in goal?
  45. Jeffrey Epstein Dead. 'Suicide', apparently.
  46. As predicted - the lefties are banning hamburgers!
  47. Good news for Brexit, bad news for Germany and the EU.........(and the rest of the world)
  48. You are, Mr Corbyn....
  49. Jeremy Corbyn shocks the Nation
  50. Bangladesh Fire!
  51. US to impose tariffs on Boris's girlfriend
  52. Napoleon Macron.......
  53. If anyone has...
  54. Lefties are shitting themselves
  55. Two women jailed
  56. Corbyn.....
  57. Leicester thug kicks his bird's heed reet in
  58. The truth
  59. I've often wondered who Whistler's model was...
  60. Larry's plot
  61. Now then Rightards
  62. He's furious.
  63. Can Boris keep it hard?
  64. Stupid lefty headmaster
  65. Amber Rudd resigns
  66. Amber Rudd versus Boris Johnson
  67. For fucks sake
  68. Boris wants that one...
  69. Brexshit honesty
  70. Oregon Bill on Wireless Health Effects in School Passes!