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1 Like Scrotnig liked a post by Luna in the thread 29th June - St Peter's Day - look to your rushes!
Luna Look - no Vampires!:s3
1 Like Scrotnig liked a post by Luna in the thread 29th June - St Peter's Day - look to your rushes!
Luna Forgot to mention:- Vervain (all varieties thereof ) is good for warding off Vampires - it burns them where ever it touches!
1 Like Scrotnig liked a post by Luna in the thread 29th June - St Peter's Day - look to your rushes!
Luna Midsummer and St Petertide are the favourite times for 'rushbearing', when rushes - or, in the eastern English Counties, new mown hay - are brought in procession to churches and ceremonially strewn there as a floor covering. In north-western...
1 Like Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread FILTH!!
Scrotnig FILTH!!
1 Like wishingwell liked a post by Luna in the thread Stonehenge News
Luna It is so lovely to have a sensible and interesting conversation/discussion. Thank you both - Reg and Wishingwell.
1 Like Luna liked a post by wishingwell in the thread Stonehenge News
wishingwell But they don't even know what the circles were for and some disagree on the dates, one sphinx expert reckons it is far older. I have some 800million year old crystals(black salt claimed to be from a seem that old)
1 Like Luna liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread This advertising campaign is a bit cryptic
Chris Mitchell Cheap pirate copies of Windows 3.1?
1 Like Luna liked a post by misty15 in the thread Poem of the week - 201 - Safe and Sound.
misty15 The Sound of the Trees by Robert Frost I wonder about the trees. Why do we wish to bear Forever the noise of these More than another noise So close to our dwelling place? We suffer them by the...
1 Like Luna liked a post by misty15 in the thread Poem of the week - 201 - Safe and Sound.
misty15 Bernard O’Donoghue Safe Houses I find that I have started recently to keep spare keys to the front door in several pockets, such is my fear of being locked out. Caught by the wind the door could shut quietly behind you, leaving you...
1 Like Luna liked a post by wishingwell in the thread Stonehenge News
wishingwell There was a story from a few days ago of a 44,000 yr old wolf found in permafrost, I don't think they have disected it yet but they reckon it could unleash ancient viruses, May find some cavemen remains in there with a semi digested mask.
TheDruid 3X3
2 Likes TheDruid 3X3 liked a post by Luna in the thread Poem of the week - 201 - Safe and Sound.
Luna Kitten purrs by David Nelson I hear the soft sound of internal pleasure knowing that she is satisfied makes me feel good her whiskers gently rub against my face and shoulder her soft wet nose placed
Chris Mitchell I was at the Melton Mowbray food festival a few years ago, and a local butcher was giving a talk on pig breeding and butchering. He kept making various inappropriate double entendres, with the nervous MC reminding me of the League of Gentlemen...
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by NotLaup in the thread A leads London Pride march
NotLaup Rumours this is Scrotnig may be not untrue
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by wishingwell in the thread Biden
wishingwell Hey just realised they have TRUMP v BIDen and we have SUNak v STARmer. Nostradarmus should have spotted that.
Chris Mitchell
Scrotnig Well I survived. The comedian was a bit near the knuckle, I thought. I know it was a sporting dinner but given there were pupils in attendance (albeit sixth formers) I did wonder. Some of his jokes were for the “You can’t say that thread”...
Chris Mitchell
2 Likes Chris Mitchell liked a post by Luna in the thread Could Michelle Obama be a man?
Luna You do make me laugh!
2 Likes misty15 liked a post by Luna in the thread Poem of the week - 201 - Safe and Sound.
Luna Kitten purrs by David Nelson I hear the soft sound of internal pleasure knowing that she is satisfied makes me feel good her whiskers gently rub against my face and shoulder her soft wet nose placed
1 Like Luna liked a post by Reg Perrin in the thread Stonehenge News
Reg Perrin I've heard it said that in terms of cosmic time the earth is old enough and has been inhabitable long enough for civilisations such as the present human race and all life on earth to have begun their existence, developed and reached where we are...
1 Like Luna liked a post by Reg Perrin in the thread Stonehenge News
Reg Perrin Sphinx 5,000 years ago, Stonehenge 7,000 years ago. I've sat on a wall in Sicily that was built 7,000 years ago.
Fork Me
Fairy_Nuff So... very much like the Dylan greatest hits, there's not a bad track on this, and the fact that it has the definitive live version of No Woman No Cry (London Lyceum) is just a bonus. As with the Dylan, this is an easy one to play when I want to...
Fork Me
Fairy_Nuff Ahhh, see I jumped the gun again! Great track, whichever version you decide on, as I said, I listened to Confrontation on Friday... you are going to see 'great' a lot from me while you're on Marley. I'd like to be seeing War, Survival, Africa Unite,...
Fork Me
Fairy_Nuff Also, I may be a bit of a Marley Geek - when I watched your Could you be loved vid, it occurred to me that I could even tell you what documentary the clips of him in the red tracksuit are from (Time will tell, if you're interested :D).
Fork Me
Fairy_Nuff Ok, catch up time... Could you be loved, great track from a great album, though my favourites from that are Coming in from the cold and Bad card. Not a lot else to say tbh, good choice. Judge Not, however, is one of my favourite songs...
1 Like Luna liked a post by Reg Perrin in the thread Stonehenge News
Reg Perrin Is That Colonels house a hub as well?
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by Fork Me in the thread Sesame Street has gone down hill terribly
Fork Me The Count is a real perv.

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